lördag 27 november 2010


Earlier this avo I was warming down on an easy 21 in the Bluies. Last move to one of the good holds under the anchor I feel something soft under my fingers and I quickly withdraw my fingers. What the f...! I'm a bit stressed but I can't let go since the last bolt is 2-3 m down. So I get myself together, grab another hold and clip the anchor. Looking to the left I see a 4-5 cm spider hiding in the crevice I just tried to grab. It has its behind turned towards me and it is completely still. I put my hand up and in a split second the spider turns, litterally jumps out of the hole towards me and basejumps to the ground. Fock! This incident didn't help me with my fear of spiders. Luckily I think it was a "Huntsman", which should be harmless. But I will be a bit more careful next time when I'm jugging my way up the Bluie rockface...

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